Jan 29, 2025
When we face bone loss, whether that be osteopenia or osteoporosis, we’re rarely told about lifestyle factors that could make a difference. Today we’ll delve into why we might suffer bone loss, and what we can do about it. Taking our very foundation – the strength of our skeleton – into our own hands is a step...
Jan 22, 2025
"If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail," said Ben Franklin! Let’s change our health trajectory by planning! We’ll talk about some tools and some mindset shifts, including for those creative rebels who don’t like to plan! Intention and planning are key in making change in this busy world of overwhelm by...
Jan 15, 2025
Is it time to re-think your step count goals or habit? Let’s run your ideal number of daily steps past 7 considerations to see where you step sweet spot is. We’ve spoken about all or nothing thinking. Let’s combat it by considering how walking fits in our overall healthy lifestyle goals with an open mind that’s...
Jan 8, 2025
This particular mindset pitfall can make the difference between realizing our health goals and not! Tackling this common outlook can help us level up our lives overall, leading to more growth, happiness and improved health, so let’s jump in together so we can manage this dynamic and thrive!
Jan 1, 2025
Lose weight? Eat better? Move more? If taking care of your health is on the list for this year, let's finetune those resolutions to ensure they actually come to be! We'll consult the science and then will run through an example for a revised resolution that has staying power! And then a brief look ahead for the podcast...