Jan 27, 2021
Molly Watts of The Breaking the Bottle Legacy podcast joins us today to talk about alcohol, related health myths, abstinence, Dry January, and other approaches. Molly bravely shares her journey, which started as the child of a parent who struggled with alcohol use disorder and then went on to include her own...
Jan 20, 2021
Goals and resolutions are helpful constructs, and today, we deconstruct some of what makes goals more likely to be reached. SMART goals, Big Hairy Audacious goals, and where goals fit with our life’s purpose and our habits are all topics on the table today! We also dip our toes into the diet/diet...
Jan 13, 2021
Can our Norwegian friends help us shift our mindset about spending more time outdoors, no matter the weather? How can we enjoy nature more, on our own terms? What are some baby steps we can take if we're just starting this journey? Join my conversation with author Oliver Luke Delorie as we explore Friluftsliv!
Jan 6, 2021
Goals, intentions, targets or resolutions? No matter -- these mindset and action shifts will help make all of them more attainable! Also, we cover the relationship between sleep and diet, as we talk about how there are so many components of health and wellbeing.