Oct 28, 2020
Counting calories come to mind to many when the conversation turns to health and weight loss. But what are they really? And do we need to focus on them, or is worrying about calories a waste of time and energy? We’ll dig in there, and we’ll also spend a few minutes talking about a new documentary, and its...
Oct 21, 2020
Approaching life with curiosity and a growth mindset is correlated with wellbeing and life satisfaction. Those are the facts, but guest Terri from the Mixing Up Midlife podcast brings those ideas to life! Our conversation touches on departing from our comfort zones and making new friends. Join our chat!
Oct 14, 2020
Episode 40: The Ins and Outs of Coffee and Health + Health Decision-Making Clarity
Is coffee good for us or should we quit drinking it? A mega-meta-analysis shows there could be many health benefits. But how do we know if we should be drinking coffee or not? We also take a look at a decision-making pitfall that we...
Oct 7, 2020
We cover a lot of ground (he he) in this episode all about java! I've been around the block a few times when it comes to coffee. You'll hear all about the good, the bad, and the unfortunate!